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The products section contains information about all our brands and you can view the brands available in your country.
We are sorry to hear that you appear to be experiencing problems with our product(s). Please contact us directly at our head office via phone or email us.
Information about career opportunities offered by Rafique Traders can be found in the Careers section of this website. You can also search in bdjobs.com to see our job circulars.
Rafique Traders has a rich and colorful history from 1985 which was established by Md Rafiqul Islam (Proprietor).

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The products section contains information about all our brands and you can view the brands available in your country.
We are sorry to hear that you appear to be experiencing problems with our product(s). Please contact us directly at our head office via phone or email us.
Information about career opportunities offered by Rafique Traders can be found in the Careers section of this website. You can also search in bdjobs.com to see our job circulars.
Rafique Traders has a rich and colorful history from 1985 which was established by Md Rafiqul Islam (Proprietor).
Contact us first to let us know about your detail and then our management will decide about it. You can get our contact no in the “Contact us” section of this website.
Our brands are Baoma no-smoke mosquito coil, Baoma micro smoke mosquito coil, Baoma Lemon Flavour Mosquito coil, Award Shoe polish, Award Instant Shoe Shiner, Maxcare Baby Diaper.
Most of our products have the Rafique Traders logo on them. So you can easily differentiate our products.
We take environmental issues very seriously and we are committed to improving and maintaining the integrity of the environment and the communities.

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The products section contains information about all our brands and you can view the brands available in your country.
We are sorry to hear that you appear to be experiencing problems with our product(s). Please contact us directly at our head office via phone or email us.
Information about career opportunities offered by Rafique Traders can be found in the Careers section of this website. You can also search in bdjobs.com to see our job circulars.
Rafique Traders has a rich and colorful history from 1985 which was established by Md Rafiqul Islam (Proprietor).
Contact us first to let us know about your detail and then our management will decide about it. You can get our contact no in the “Contact us” section of this website.

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The products section contains information about all our brands and you can view the brands available in your country.
We are sorry to hear that you appear to be experiencing problems with our product(s). Please contact us directly at our head office via phone or email us.
Information about career opportunities offered by Rafique Traders can be found in the Careers section of this website. You can also search in bdjobs.com to see our job circulars.
Rafique Traders has a rich and colorful history from 1985 which was established by Md Rafiqul Islam (Proprietor).